On November 15, Year 5 students at WASS had an experiential learning trip at the General Sciences Library of Ho Chi Minh City.
To develop learning beyond what is taught in school, one cannot help but turn to books for guidance. Since reading develops a child’s personality and broadens their thinking as well as imparting general knowledge, most school libraries are constantly stocked with a selection of books to aid pupils in their learning and developing emotions.
Western Australia continuously varies its activities to promote their study program since they recognize the value of books. The pupils have gained a great deal of useful knowledge and fresh experiences thanks to the next location in the sequence of hands-on learning exercises.
The 5th grade WASSers took a break from school and went on a field trip to the Ho Chi Minh City General Sciences Library, which was different from other libraries they had visited before. In their minds, the library must just be a calm location to read books with basic technology. However, the General Sciences Library’s specialized event rooms have given WASSers a novel and unexpected experience.
Ho Chi Minh City General Library has incorporated many more sophisticated electronic features in S.HUB area, which provides an open area for schoolchildren to access and make the most of their knowledge. This is a combination of traditional libraries and modern technology. S.HUB Kids is a place to inspire and support young people’s love of learning through a variety of STEM activities in many different subjects, such as robotics, science, planetary coordinates, etc.
Let’s find out the sharing and emotion of WASSers after the field trip at Dragon Farm!
“Coming to S.hub Kids, I can freely choose my favorite books, participate in a series of lively, fun and useful STEM activities such as: Stem Robotics assembling Wedo.2.0 models, exciting Stem Science activities, and learn astronomical knowledge through the dome projector model. In addition, I can also participate in virtual reality experiences.”
- Nguyen Le Bao Ngoc – WA5
“Today’s trip was very fun and very cozy cause this feels like home. There’re so much things to do especially reading books, doing activities or doing robotics. I like snail racing activity the most, it was really fun and I was really nervous at first and I think I won but I didn’t”
- Trinity Ngu Jin Jin – WA5