Licensed by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority – SCSA, Western Australian International School System (WASS) is authorized to organize the NAPLAN for students every year.
NAPLAN is an abbreviation of National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy. This is an annual assessment for students in Years 3, 5, 7, and 9 administered by the National Education Board of English and Mathematics with the materials compiled by the Australian government and non-government educational authorities.
Every year in March, NAPLAN is organized for students from schools in Australia and oversea international schools authorized to provide the Australian curriculum. WASS is among this group.
What are NAPLAN’s goals?
Thanks to NAPLAN, schools, education authorities, teachers, and parents can assess the efficiency of the current educational curriculum. Another purpose is to determine whether or not students achieve significant results in literacy and numeracy skills.
Based on that assessment, the authorities will make necessary adjustments to optimize the curriculum. School and teachers will examine their teaching strategies and make any significant improvements. Parents and the School can also use those individual results to design suitable development pathways.
What will NAPLAN include?
When taking the NAPLAN test, students will be assessed on their Reading skills, Writing skills, Conventions of language (spelling, grammar, and punctuation), and Numeracy. All students from Australian schools and member schools around the world will take the same NAPLAN test every year.
In this test, students will answer the multiple-choice questions and/or give short answers to the required questions. For the written test, students have to write an essay