E-newsletter of December 2020

WASS Monthly Enewsletter

Monthly Highlights

Enews December 2020

Message from the Board of Principals

Dear Parents and Students of the Western Australian School System,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. This time of the year is globally seen as a time for joy and family celebration, whilst also giving us a chance to look back at the year and all of the challenges and joys we have experienced …

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New Headlines

A merry magical Christmas at WASS

A merry magical Christmas at WASS

With a series of activities to welcome Christmas, the holiday atmosphere took place excitingly throughout the Western Australian School System, from Kindergarten to High School, bringing moments full of excitement …

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Learning atmosphere before the exam

Learning atmosphere before the exam

Since the early days of December, the hustle and bustle for the Term 1 exams have been creeping into every classroom at WASS. Alongside corridors and libraries at WASS these days, it is easy to see WASSers focusing …

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Extended Essay Workshop of IBDP programme

Extended Essay Workshop of IBDP programme

The Extended Essay is one of the three core and required subjects of the IBDP International Baccalaureate Program. This is also one of the differences, making the IBDP program highly appreciated by admissions councils …

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Life At School

The WASSers promises to protect the marine environment

The WASSers promises to protect the marine environment

In addition to relaxing purposes after hard working study, WASS field trip to Long Hai Beach and Phu Quoc Island brought the students closer to nature and sent messages about protecting the marine environment …

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Drawing Campaign About Christmas

Drawing Campaign About Christmas

Christmas is coming, students in Western Australian School System are eagerly waiting to receive gifts from Santa Claus. Alongside with the letters bringing wishes to Santa Claus, WASSers also send their dreams and wishes …

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Hi-tech News

WASSers get ready to become game changers

WASSers get ready to become game changers

Recently, our “Little Engineers” WASSers have been shown their creativity with the School Round – First Lego League VI. With the theme “GAME CHANGERS”, WASSers will have to build up a project to redesign the way …

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Event Calendar

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
          1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
1/1/2020: New Year Holiday
4/1 – 4/6/2021: 1st semester – WACE 11
8/1/2021: Field trip of Year 1, 2, 3
9/1/2021: Parent conference of Kindergarten and Primary
10/1/2021: Parent Conference of Junior school
9/1/2021: Key report of final exam – 1st semester
14 – 15/1/2021: Camping for Kindergarten

Monthly Menu

Menu in January 2021

Menu in January 2021

Primary and Highschool (Semi-boarding)

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Menu in January 2021 (Kindergarten)

Menu in January 2021 (Kindergarten)

Kindergarten (Semi-boarding)

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Western Australian International School System

If you have any concerns, please contact us via:

Registration form

Kindergarten Campus Dien Bien Phu
260 Dien Bien Phu St., Vo Thi Sau Ward, Dist.3, HCMC
Kindergarten Campus Nguyen Huu Canh
35 Nguyen Huu Canh St., Ward. 22, Binh Thanh Dist, HCMC
Primary School Campus
43 Nguyen Thong St., Vo Thi Sau Ward, Dist.3, HCMC
International Campus
157 Ly Chinh Thang St., Vo Thi Sau Ward, Dist.3, HCMC
Secondary and High School Campus
84 Ba Huyen Thanh Quan St., Ward.9, Dist.3, HCMC

Step 1: Choose a campus to visit

Step 2: Your information

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