Warren Buffett, a well-known American businessman, and an entrepreneur, once said, “In looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if they don’t have the first, the other two will kill you. “
According to Mr. Buffett, integrity is one of the best virtues that every human being should have. This is the first factor for people to succeed.
Dear friends, integrity has created confidence in myself. I see this is a very necessary personality. For anyone who wants to succeed, the first thing to do is to trust others. And “integrity” is essential for others to trust you.
“Integrity” really creates credibility for ourselves. As we all know, It really does. People around me trust me more when I develop myself, as putting the righteousness on the top. I feel very proud of that.
Perhaps some of you still find “integrity” new and strange, some do not understand what “integrity” is, but I think you should learn about this virtue. Before becoming successful, you have to be self-confident first. Before letting others trust you, you have to trust in yourself. To do that, you need to have integrity.
Successful people in the world consider “integrity” to be one of the factors that make up the success. We must diligently study every day and train ourselves to “integrity”, to reap success in the future.
Hoang Nghi – Class 10A