28 years ago, on March 14 1988, 64 Vietnamese people were sacrificed in the battle of protecting our sovereignty in Gac Ma, Co Lin, Len Dao which belongs to Truong Sa, Hoang Sa archipelogo. We lost Gac Ma, but still kept Co Lin. Their sacrifice made these archipelagoes immortal.
Days before March 14, 1988. Ship HQ-505, and HQ-605 from brigade 124 combined with brigade 146 and military civil engineers E83 received an order to immediately go to archipelago Gac Ma, Co Lin, Len Dao because of the threat of illegal occupancy from Chinese Navy.
On the night March 13, the North East Monson was blowing very strongly, black clouds covered the sky and ocean was very dark. Soldiers had to use crow bar to carve Gac Ma corals to put up the national flag. On Colin, not very from there, our flag was already up high on the 2 banks of the islands.
The next early morning, on March 14, 1988, when everybody had not finished their breakfast, Chinese warships approach very close. They were very strong warship with powerful fire power whereas the Vietnamese ships were just normal marine ships with soldiers, construction material, and food to supply for the islands. Especially, most of the soldiers in the ship were military civil engineers whose job were building the islands not fighting solders. Despite this unequal force, all solders still kept their duty all and fought back to keep our sovereignty.
Sadly in the end China occupied the island…
About 6 am in the morning, Chinese warships approached Gac Ma corals. After that, many boats were arrived with Chinese marine solders. They were very well armed ready to land.
In this situation, Vietnamese soldiers surrounded around the national flag. The unequal battle happened. Chinese soldiers were armed with AK rifles tried to get in to the circle of Vietnamese soldiers and tried to get down the Vietnamese national flag while the Vietnamese soldiers only had crowbars, hoes, construction materials but still tried to protect the national flag. The sides were fighting for the flag. Suddenly, China shot second lieutenant Phuong in the head. Phuong wrapped himself around with the flag and spoke out loud: “We would rather die for the islands, let our blood dyed our glorious flag again” and sacrificed. Slowly afterwards he died.
On Gac Ma, the battle was very intense. Chinese soldiers retreated a little for a MM 37 gun from their warship which shot straight at Vietnamese soldiers who was fighting hard for the islands. In the early morning March 14, there were 64 soldiers in ship HQ 604 sacrificed, 9 other soldiers were captured and put under house arrest by the Chinese. Ship HQ-60 sank forever in the cold ocean. Gac Ma suffered from the pain and blood of our young people.
Today, march 14/ 2014. 28 years since we lost Gac Ma after the unequal battle. A new page has opened. But what the the Vietnamese marine soldiers did for Gac Ma unforgettable. They died for Co lin today. Gac Ma was illegally occupied by China. But Gac Ma is always forever in our minds. Right now let’s take one minute to pay tribute for soldier who died for nation sovereignty.
WASSers took a minute to pay tribute for soldiers who were sacrificed for our sovereignty on 14/03/2016. At WASSS, we not only provide students with the excellent education but also help them to the respect moral, traditional and heritage values that make students become global citizens with beautiful souls.