Let WASSers express love through the celebration of International Womens’ Day 8/3

Although The International Women’s day hadn’t come yet, there was an atmosphere of excitement in the air all over WASS in anticipation of the day. There were many different activities for the special message of “Let there be love!” for the up-coming International Womens’ Day on 8th March.

The primary students were very excited about their art lessons. They made handmade cards and wrote their wishes for their dearest parents, sisters and teachers. WASS always encourages student creativity though art subjects such as singing, dancing and painting… So this occasion provided an excellent opportunity for WASSers to do their best to create interesting and unique gifts for the beloved women in their lives. There were so many lovely and touching wishes: “I want to kiss you and always stay by your side. I love you so much!”, “I wish you good health and beauty forever day by day”, “I wish that every day is Women’s day. I love you the best!” There were just some of the many wishes that surprised parents because normally some of children were quiet and did not openly show their love to people around them.

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To make these cute cards, the students had to design pictures, do decorations and spend time making them
Little talents are discussing before they start to do the cards
Finished! How beautiful it is!
Many different styles of cards by little talents

Also, love has been expressed and spread through images which captured the most memorable moments with beloved women at the “LOVE CORNER” booth in the WASS lobby. In the WASS lobby, the atmosphere was bustling with hundreds of well-wishers and beautiful flowers for mothers and teachers from students. Let’s have a look at the WASSers’ lovely pictures















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nhan-doi-yeu-thuong-tai-goc-conner 28The 8th March is not only a holiday, but also an opportunity for the WASSers to learn about love and show their gratitude to the beloved women in their lives. Through these activities, WASS has built a bridge of love and moral values that connects 300 students from 22 different countries around the world. This just one example of many events that encapsulates the objectives of the WASS Character Education Program which has been applied since 2015. At WASS, we always encourage students to take part in educational activities which help to increase knowledge and skills as they follow the pathway towards becoming future global citizens.

Western Australian International School System

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43 Nguyen Thong St., Vo Thi Sau Ward, Dist.3, HCMC
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157 Ly Chinh Thang St., Vo Thi Sau Ward, Dist.3, HCMC
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