Becoming “global citizens” in the 21st century is a motivation as well as a big challenge for our young people. It requires them not only to prepare themselves by developing their talents and passions but also takes bravery and dynamism and a willingness to contribute and participate. We know what WASSers are concerned about: how to get these skills, and how to awaken their passions. The answers are simple. It’s now, here, and at the WASS Student Council.
Why is the WASS Student Council important?
- The WASS Student Council is a practical playground and organisation for the students to show their leadership and organisational abilities as well as to develop their teamwork skills.
- Members of the Student Council encourage all WASS students to contribute to the school and to help plan future activities.
- It costs time, and takes effort and training to build such skills and the Student Council will help students to step out into the world confidently and to learn to work in an international environment.
What does the WASS Student Council require from candidates?
- Are you passionate about creativity?
- Do you constantly want to explore and learn new things?
- Are you confident about your communication skills?
- Is leadership your strength?
- Can you listen and resolve conflicts in a peaceful manner?
- Are you willing to challenge yourselves and create different and new things with new outcomes?
If you have just one of these elements, you should really consider to take part in this playground at WASS. Let’s register, prepare, start your run and be ready to take your seat on the WASS Students Council.
WASS needs outstanding individuals like you to encourage others to develop their talents and abilities. The Council needs you to develop into leaders as soon as possible, because leadership is the foundation for tomorrow’s successes. So come to the Council now to build the future.
See more information at Election Procedures for the WASS Student Council 2016.