WASS organized the School Psychological Counseling Workshop for Years 5 – 12 students on 20th February.
Adolescence marks obvious changes in the physical, intellectual, and emotional well-being of students. In physical and psychological development, there are many challenges and difficulties in both physical and psychological development that every student faces. These changes can easily cause frustration and confusion for students which can lead to negative impacts unless they are well-prepared. It is significantly important for students to better understand their own self – values and learn how to balance their emotions through listening, understanding, and sharing from family and school.
In addition to the values of wisdom, WASS always focuses on improving mental health to build a healthy learning environment as well as create the best conditions for students to unleash their full potential with the desire to accompany students on their growth. With this mission, the School Psychological Counselling program is implemented to provide timely support and create a place where students can share and listen to useful advice from psychologists.
On 20th February 2023, WASSers in Years 5-12 participated in the School Psychological Counseling Workshop with the special guest, Dr. To Nhi A. During the Workshop, students had the opportunity to exchange and share their common concerns of school age. The friendly approach and many fun games throughout the workshop dissolved the initial shyness and WASSers boldly asked sensitive questions to receive sincere advice for their common worries and concerns.
In this Workshop, common school-age problems such as changes in puberty, school violence, how to communicate with parents, school-aged love or the effective ways to deal with different types of emotion were answered thoroughly and in detail. As a result, WASSers were able to relieve their stress and anxiety at their age.
Hopefully, this workshop brought necessary knowledge about psychology for students, contributing to their balanced development. Thereby, their school age can be passed in love and memorable moments.