E-newsletter of October 2020

WASS Monthly Enewsletter

Monthly Highlights

Enews October 2020

Message from the Board of Principals

Dear Parents and Students of the WA School System,

Welcome to WASS October E-newsletter. This month, the WA School System welcomes new members – the 6th campus is located at 10, 3/2 Street, Ward 12, District 10. With international standard facilities and spacious classrooms, specialized function rooms for the subjects, the new campus hopes to bring more choices and meet the diverse learning needs of students …

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New Headlines

Magical mid-autumn with WASS

Magical mid-autumn with WASS

With the theme of “Magical Moon Night”, the Mid-Autumn Festival 2020 at WASS continued to both evolve and improve with the hope of creating meaningful memories for WASSers …

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Vietnamese women’s day celebrated at WASS

Vietnamese women’s day celebrated at WASS

On Vietnamese Women’s Day this year, the students of WASS had many activities to express their love and appreciation to the women who have accompanied their children on the journey to adulthood …

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Journey to light up dreams - Yen Bai charity trip

Journey to light up dreams – Yen Bai charity trip

During this trip, besides inspecting two projects of the 2019 – 2020 school year, WASSers will together with teachers to survey the terrain as well as facilities to implement the next community projects …

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WASSers get creative with Halloween

WASSers get creative with Halloween

Our WASSers got creative with Halloween by wearing mysterious costumes, dressed up as characters, and extremely exciting activities and games …

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Welcome to the new campus of WASS - 3/2 Campus

Welcome to the new campus of WASS – 3/2 Campus

The WA School System happily welcomes another new campus, located at No.10 Street 3/2, Ward 12, District 10 – Campus 3/2. The new campus’ spacious and safe environment is ready for students …

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Life At School

Stories about the woman I love

Stories about the woman I love

Vietnamese Women’s Day is a meaningful day at WASS when students have the opportunity to express their feelings and gratefulness to the women they appreciate and admire the most …

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Drawing campaign: Bring a ray of hope to the central of Vietnam

Drawing campaign: Bring a ray of hope to the central of Vietnam

With the information of the Central region fighting back against consecutive floods recently, WASS has announced a school drawing campaign, bringing words of encouragement from our students to the beloved …

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Kick off Wharton global high school investment competition

Kick off Wharton global high school investment competition

On the 8th of October, the Wharton Global High School – Investment Competition officially started. This is the first event of this online financial investment simulation competition for high school students (Years 9 to 12) and teachers …

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The very first compulsory practical investigation of our IBDP Class

The first compulsory practical investigation of our IBDP Class

In September 2020, the IBDP Biology class started its first compulsory practical investigation. They were required to try and create a sustainable ecosystem (mesocosm) using plants, rocks, coal, water, and small creatures …

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Hi-tech News

Robotics class: WASSers build colorful barrage

Robotics class: WASSers build colorful barrage

Science and technology play a particularly important role in the education curriculum. At WASS, the phrase “Learning by Doing” is represented thoroughly in Robotics class …

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Event Calendar

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30          
13/11/2020: Key Report of mid-term exam – 1st semester
20/11/2020: Vietnam Teachers’ Day
26 – 27/11/2020: Camping for Kindergarten
27/11/2020: Field trip of Pre and Primary school
Field trip of Junior and High school

Monthly Menu

Menu in November 2020

Menu in November 2020

Primary and Highschool (Semi-boarding)

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Menu in November 2020 (Kindergarten)

Menu in November 2020 (Kindergarten)

Kindergarten (Semi-boarding)

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Western Australian International School System

If you have any concerns, please contact us via:

Registration form

Kindergarten Campus Dien Bien Phu
260 Dien Bien Phu St., Vo Thi Sau Ward, Dist.3, HCMC
Kindergarten Campus Nguyen Huu Canh
35 Nguyen Huu Canh St., Ward. 22, Binh Thanh Dist, HCMC
Primary School Campus
43 Nguyen Thong St., Vo Thi Sau Ward, Dist.3, HCMC
International Campus
157 Ly Chinh Thang St., Vo Thi Sau Ward, Dist.3, HCMC
Secondary and High School Campus
84 Ba Huyen Thanh Quan St., Ward.9, Dist.3, HCMC

Step 1: Choose a campus to visit

Step 2: Your information

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