Empowering Business Potential with “Entrepreneur Competition 2023”

From October 19 to November 7, 2023, the Entrepreneur Competition 2023 “Greenovation Biz” made its debut at Western Australian International School System for the first time, aiming to help students enhance their business knowledge, stimulate entrepreneurial spirit, and apply theoretical knowledge into practical applications.

“Greenovation Biz” provided a valuable platform for WASSers to actualize their ideas through actual business operations. Participants went through the entire business process, from presenting ideas, designing products, advertising, marketing, and managing the finances to interacting with customers. Moreover, the competition offered opportunities for students to enhance teamwork, collaboration, and other important skills.

Additionally, the participants conveyed meaningful messages about environmental protection, reflecting their aspirations for a green and sustainable world throughout the event.

After two captivating rounds, outstanding teams were announced, and WASS congratulated the following winners: 

  • First Prize: “Snack with Capoo” Team (IB12) and “Hoa đat set” Team (BWA10-A) 
  • Second Prize: “Bao thu nha Co Quynh” Team (BWA7-B) and “Friendly Footprint” Team (BWA12-A)

Let’s find out how the WASSers feel about this competition!

“Since the beginning of the “Greenovation biz” entrepreneur competition, we have set a goal to win first place… After a long period of hard work and an entire day of marketing that was both challenging and memorable, we were ecstatic when we saw the ranking board because we had achieved our goal… Lastly, we would like to thank our teachers, friends and very supportive customers from all grades levels.” – Hoa Dat Set Team.

“The competition is a valuable experience for us because it allows us to immerse ourselves in a real startup business. At first, we found it challenging to organize the roles, strategies and messages that we aimed to convey toward the customers. However, thanks to the support and advice from our teachers, we overcame these challenges. Also, we would like to thank the Greenovation organizers for operating such a meaningful event that allowed us to advocate for environmental preservation while simultaneously having the chance to act as entrepreneurs.” – Snack with Capoo Team.

“The success of this startup is thanks to the efforts of all members of the team, especially the enthusiastic support of Ms. Quynh, the group’s Homeroom Teacher. For me, this business journey was full of challenges but also no less new and interesting. This is a valuable experience that helps us to further our knowledge and prepare for a bright future with the necessary skills. I would like to thank WASS for creating an environment that not only helps us to experience real business but also contributes to creating beautiful memories during our time at School.” – Bao Thu Nha Co Quynh Team.

“Engaging in the Entrepreneur Competition 2023 was a first-time experience for me and my team. At first, taking part in such a competition made me feel both excited and nervous, but little did I know that it would turn out to be an invaluable experience. In particular, this was also a chance for me and my team to strengthen our bonds. Looking back, I am grateful for the Entrepreneur Competition 2023, as it provided a platform for us to showcase our creativity and resourcefulness. I hope that our School will organize more similar competitions in the future.” – Friendly Footprint Team.

Furthermore, the competition became even more meaningful when the proceeds from Entrepreneur Day 2023, with a total value of 77,865,000 VND, were contributed to the Community Fund – Empower the Next Generation. This contribution will enable WASS to continue sharing love and support with underprivileged people through the “Yen Bai, for a Brighter Tomorrow” project during the academic year 2023 – 2024.

WASS hopes that the Entrepreneur Competition 2023 has helped students gain valuable knowledge and develop practical skills in the field of business, laying the foundation for their future success.

Western Australian International School System

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Kindergarten Campus Dien Bien Phu
260 Dien Bien Phu St., Vo Thi Sau Ward, Dist.3, HCMC
Kindergarten Campus Nguyen Huu Canh
35 Nguyen Huu Canh St., Ward. 22, Binh Thanh Dist, HCMC
Primary School Campus
43 Nguyen Thong St., Vo Thi Sau Ward, Dist.3, HCMC
International Campus
157 Ly Chinh Thang St., Vo Thi Sau Ward, Dist.3, HCMC
Secondary and High School Campus
84 Ba Huyen Thanh Quan St., Ward.9, Dist.3, HCMC

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