Emotional Outpour of WASSers for the Graduation Ceremony 2023 – 2024

For the Year 5, IWA6, Year 9, IWA10, and Year 12 students, this summer holds a special significance as they prepare to embark on a journey towards new intellectual frontiers filled with exciting experiences.

The relentless wheel of time has propelled the academic journey of Year 5, IWA6, Year 9, IWA10, and Year 12 WASSers to various memorable milestones. The Graduation Ceremony of the academic year 2023 – 2024 stands as one such landmark, serving as a gateway for WASSers to open a new journey of knowledge.

On the past journey, despite countless challenges, WASSers have brought home many proud “sweet fruits” with all their efforts, constantly improving their knowledge and self-improvement through hours of hard work, extracurricular activities, and competitions.

Now, as they approach this momentous threshold, let us delve into the heartfelt reflections of the WASSers!

Le Ho Phuong Uyen from BWA-NS-12A shared, “Graduation opens a completely new door with countless challenges and experiences that I have to explore and learn for myself. I am no longer a little princess protected by my loving parents, and now I will have to face all the difficulties and challenges in life. However, I believe that, with the knowledge and skills I have been equipped with at WASS, I will confidently conquer my university path in the future.”

Chu Dinh Thanh Thao from BWA-SS-12B expressed, “The Graduation Ceremony serves as an acknowledgment of our twelve years of academic pursuit. As I donned the graduation gown, I felt it was a clear testament to my efforts in my studies while simultaneously opening up a new and exciting journey ahead.”

“The excitement of exploring the vast opportunities in the future urges us to move forward and face new challenges. Although there is still hesitation, supportive teachers have equipped us to become more confident in the path we choose by not only providing knowledge but also being mentors who challenge us to think outside the box and question ourselves to discover our unique voices. These valuable experiences in WASS enriched our growth and helped us to become more mature in our emotions and thoughts.” – confided Bui Truc Vi from IBDP12.

Amidst the exhilaration of a new chapter, the Graduation Ceremony also evoked a sense of nostalgia and emotion as they closed the book on a chapter filled with cherished memories. As Nguyen Ngoc Gia Kỳ from BWA-5D reminisced, “Part of my emotions right now are nervousness and excitement. The graduation day is an opportunity for me to share with friends and family about my academic achievements as well as look back at memories during the past year. The feeling of pride also surged when I completed my first level of education with great lessons, skills, and friends.”

As Tran Gia Nghi from IWA-6A said, “The joy goes downhill as the sadness hits from the realization that it’s time to say goodbye to the halls filled with laughter, the classroom where I gained knowledge and grew up. My beloved teachers and friends who became my second family will remain in my heart.”

The radiant and emotionally charged moments of the Graduation Ceremony for the academic year 2023 – 2024 will forever be etched in the hearts of every WASSer. This significant milestone in their journey toward maturity serves as a solid stepping stone for their future aspirations.

The Graduation Ceremony is not a period, but a new beginning. WASS believes that with hard work, a thirst for knowledge, and courage and enthusiasm, students will continue to nurture their dreams, break their limits, and confidently step forward like brave lions, carrying their knowledge, skills, talents, and kindhearted spirit to conquer new lands, ready to contribute to making society more developed.

Western Australian International School System

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